Vegan Prestwich
- Client: Vegan Prestwich
- Services: Website hosting and social media management
- Website: View live site
- Website: on
Vegan Prestwich is a website, Instagram page and Facebook group, running since 2018 and dedicated to sharing vegan food finds in and around Prestwich and Whitefield.
Our Solution
We maintain a directory of businesses and their vegan offerings, with:
- Quotes from social media
- Photos of meals and menus
- Links to websites and social media
- Address and phone details
- Opening times
Technical Details
- Static website built with Eleventy
- Hosted on the server
- Perfect Lighthouse performance scores
- No JavaScript
- Fully responsive design
- Regular content updates
- Privacy-protecting stats
- Consistent high performance scores
- High rankings on Google for related searches
- A few hundred visitors per week (stats)
Source Code
The complete source code for this project is available on our Git forge, so others can learn from it.